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Network Traffic Reduction in Haptic Telepresence Systems by Deadband Control

Authors:Hirche Sandra, Technische Universität München, Germany
Hinterseer Peter, Technische Universität München, Germany
Steinbach E., Technische Universität München, Germany
Buss Martin, Technische Universität München, Germany
Topic:3.3 Computers and Telematics
Keywords: teleoperation, communication networks, deadband,delay


Current haptic (force feedback) telepresence systems operated over a communication network as, e.g., the Internet, require high packet rates for the transmission of the command and sensor signals. A novel approach to reduce the network traffic by means of deadband control is proposed. Data packets are only sent if the sampled signal changes more than a given threshold value. Passivity based reconstruction methods are introduced to reconstruct the untransmitted values at the receiver guaranteeing stability of the overall system. Experiments shows that a packet rate reduction of up to 87% is achieved without impairing transparency.