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Service Restoration for Multi-Outage Areas

Authors:Jin Yong-Woo, Myong-ji University, Korea, Republic of
Yang Xia, Myong-ji University, Korea, Republic of
Lim Seong-Il, Myong-ji University, Korea, Republic of
Choi Myeon-Song, Myong-ji University, Korea, Republic of
Lee Seung-Jae, Myong-ji University, Korea, Republic of
Topic:6.3 Power Plants and Power Systems
Session:Electric Distribution Systems
Keywords: Service restoration, Distribution automation system, Distribution system operation, fuzzy decision-making


Service restoration is one of the most important missions in distribution system operation. There are a lot of researches on it about single-outage area. Those mature strategies have already been applied in practice. This paper dedicates to present a new service restoration strategy for multi-outage areas, which are defined as two or more independent outage groups occur at the same time. This proposed algorithm consists of two methods. One is sequential restoration scheme; the other is simultaneous restoration scheme. Sequential restoration scheme determines restoration order of outage areas and then establishes restoration plan for each outage area. If it is not able to establish a quite feasible plan, simultaneous restoration scheme would be launched for establishing a new configuration through tie exchange method.