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Modern Automation Technology in Service of Integrated Stainless Steel Mill

Authors:Yli-Niemi Jussi, Outokumpu Stainless Oy, Finland
Pakola Hannu, Outokumpu Stainless Oy, Finland
Topic:6.2 Mining, Mineral & Metal Processing
Session:Steel Mills, Sintering, Furnaces and Converters
Keywords: Process control, Industrial application, Automation, State-of-the-art, Mineral and metal processing


Outokumpu Stainless Oy has an integrated stainless steel mill in Tornio, Finland. This mill consists of FeCr-production, stainless steel melting shop, hot rolling mill and cold rolling mill. Latest project to double the previous capacity consisted of second melt shop line, modifications in hot rolling mill and RAP5-line in cold rolling mill. The production capacity of Tornio works is 1,7 mt/a stainless steel products thus being the largest single production unit in the world at time being. High level of automation is utilized to guarantee high quality of products and improve productivity. Process automation provides efficient tools for operators to control processes and automate auxiliary tasks using robots, manipulators and other sophisticated solutions.