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Safety Issues in Avionics and Automotive Databuses

Authors:Zalewski Janusz, Florida Gulf Coast University, United States
Trawczynski Dawid, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Sosnowski Janusz, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Kornecki Andrew, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, United States
Sniezek Marek, Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland
Topic:4.1 Components and Instruments
Session:Programmable Devices and Embedded Systems
Keywords: Safety-Critical Systems, Data Buses, Avionics, Automotive Electronics, Fault Tolerance


In avionics and automotive applications of computing, special care must be taken of issues related to safety. Assurance must be provided that computer hardware or software does not contribute to situations, which may cause loss of life or significant property damage. One aspect of this concern is the design of computer buses, called databuses, which provide communication medium to exchange information among various electronics devices controlling the vehicle. Unfortunately, only a few aspects of bus design have been sufficiently covered in the research studying safety consequences of bus design. This paper reviews available information on bus specifications and reviews buses by establishing common ground. Databuses are described and discussed regarding their properties, such as electrical signal characteristics and bus protocols, with respect to safety.