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Collaborative Communication Protocols for Distributed Microsensor Network Systems

Authors:Jeong Wootae, Purdue University, United States
Nof Shimon Y., Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, United States
Topic:5.2 Manufacturing Modelling for Management and Control
Session:Distributed Production Modelling and Control
Keywords: Collaborative Control, Fault-Tolerance, Multisensor Integration, Microsensor Fusion, Sensor Networks, Protocols, Communication Protocols, Time-Out


Current wireless microsensor network systems with low energy and cost have provided extended capabilities for manufacturing, environmental monitoring, transportation, biomedical care, and security and safety. Because of their miniaturized size, however, microsensors have serious energy constraints and limited computing power. Therefore, microsensor network systems require constraint specific communication protocols to deliver accurate, timely readings despite frequent communication failures. In order to achieve the desired accuracy of data, timeliness, and reliability, this research addresses the importance of fault tolerant and constraints adaptive protocols, and emerging trends in wireless microsensor network systems.