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A Conversational Man-Robot Interface to Assist Robotics Education

Authors:Buiu Catalin, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania
Dumitrache Ioan, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania
Dumitrascu Alexandru, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania
Topic:9.4 Control Education
Session:We Have Many Things To Tell You About Control Education
Keywords: control education, autonomous robots , speech recognition, conversational interface, software agent


This paper presents a conversational interface that uses the speech recognition and synthesis and animation abilities of two Microsoft software agents in order to assure a more natural and efficient interface with an autonomous robot. The interface is used in the robotics educational process. The basic commands to be given by voice (back, right, etc.) and the control of the agents are implemented in Visual Basic. More complex control programs can be implemented and tested in Matlab and after that executed with a simple voice command. This program is used as a part of an integrated educational strategy in autonomous robotics and was evaluated by a group of students. First experimental results related to the use of this conversational interface compared to traditional robot simulation environments and control of real robots are presented in this paper with related discussions.