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Discrete System Order-Reduction via Balancing Transformation Using Singular Perturbations

Authors:Al-Takrouri Saleh, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, United States
Gajic Zoran, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, United States
Topic:2.2 Linear Control Systems
Session:Analysis and Synthesis of Linear Control Systems II
Keywords: Discrete-time system, system balancing, robust order reduction, singular perturbations, residualization.


Two kinds of order-reduction techniques based on system balancing are developed for linear discrete-time systems using the method of singular perturbations. The generalized residualization technique is introduced with three variants as improved tools for order-reduction at low and medium frequencies. The newly introduced techniques have the same theoretical upper error bound with respect to the H-infinity norm of the reduced-order system as the existing techniques, but simulation results show the superiority of the new techniques at low and medium frequencies. Next, new techniques are proposed to perform order-reduction of lightly damped linear discrete-time systems by employing the method of singular perturbations and balancing transformation.