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Engineering Methods of Control Design for Distributed Parameter Systems

Authors:Hulkó Gabriel, Slovak Technical University, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Belavý Cyril, Slovak Technical University, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Cibiri Štefan, Slovak Technical University, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Szuda Ján, Slovak Technical University, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Topic:2.1 Control Design
Session:Control Design I
Keywords: Control design; distributed parameter systems; lumped-input/distributed-output systems; time/space decomposition of dynamics and control synthesis; PID, algebraic, state space, robust control; web based control design environment; finite element method.


In the paper engineering methods for control of distributed parameter systems given by numerical structures on complex shape 3D definition domains are presented. Controlled systems are interpreted as lumped-input/distributed-output systems. Schemes of distributed parameter control loops are arranged. A web-based control design environment from www.dpscontrol.sk will be introduced: Distributed Parameter Systems Blockset for MATLAB & Simulink – third-party MathWorks product, web service and internet monograph. - In general the paper indicates a new direction for engineering control technology, operating mainly on the time axis, to expand towards time/space coordinates of real world. Copyright © 2005 IFAC