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Synthesis and simulation of fractional orthonormal bases

Authors:Aoun Mohamed, Université Bordeaux I, France
Malti Rachid, Université Bordeaux I, France
Oustaloup Alain, Université Bordeaux I, France
Topic:1.1 Modelling, Identification & Signal Processing
Session:Filtering and Estimation
Keywords: simulation, orthogonal functions, generalised orthogonal basis, fractional calculus, fractional derivative, dynamic system, identification.


Although rational orthogonal bases can be used to model any L2[0,inf[ system, they fail to capture the aperiodic multi-mode behaviour of fractional systems in a limited number of terms. The classical definition of orthogonal Laguerre, Kautz, and GOB functions has been extended for the use of fractional derivatives. An appropriate diagram is thus proposed for simulation.