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Multivariable LQG Vibration Control using Charge-Driven Piezoelectric Actuators

Authors:Vautier Benjamin, The University of Newcastle, Australia
Moheimani Reza, The University of Newcastle, Australia
Topic:2.1 Control Design
Session:New Tools for Control of Smart Structures
Keywords: Actuators, Charge amplifiers, Structures, Vibration, Active control, LQG


Piezoelectric actuators are known to exhibit hysteresis when driven at relatively large voltages. In most situations this phenomenon is detrimental. Electric charge is known to naturally reduce the effects of hysteresis. The interaction of charge driven piezoceramics with flexible structures is analyzed and reveals that the dynamics of the system are different from the voltage driven case. A procedure for obtaining a charge driven plant model is documented, which can be used with standard control design tools. A multivariable LQG charge controller is designed to reject disturbance vibrations acting on a cantilever beam. Experimental results demonstrating the effectiveness of this method are included.