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Mean and Entropy of B-spline PDF Models: Analysis and Design

Authors:Zhou Jinglin, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Yue Hong, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Wang Hong, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Topic:1.4 Stochastic Systems
Session:Control, Estimation and Analysis of Stochastic Systems
Keywords: Dynamic stochastic systems; Probability density function (PDF);B-spline neural network; Minimum entropy; Mean constraint


For continuous probability density functions (PDFs) approximatedby the B-spline basis functions, the relationships between theB-spline weights, the entropy and the mean have been analyzed indetail. It shows the different characteristics of the entropy withand without mean constraint. A minimum entropy controllersubjected to mean constraint is developed by taking theperformance function as a Lyapunov function and ensuring thenegativeness of its first-order derivative. Simulation examplesare included to validate the analysis results and evaluate theclosed-loop control performance.