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Predictive Adaptive feedforward control of a time scaled solar plant

Authors:Neves-Silva Rui, Univ Nova Lisbon, Portugal
Lemos Joao, INESC-ID/IST, Portugal
Topic:1.2 Adaptive and Learning Systems
Session:Applications of Adaptive and Learning Control
Keywords: Time-scaling, adaptive control, predictive control, solar energy


This paper concerns the control of a solar energy collector field using predictive feedforward adaptive control techniques based on multiple identifiers. The ACUREX field used in these work is described by a partial differential equation (PDE). The plant is characterized by: non linearity, fast accessible disturbances and time varying dynamics. The dynamic dependency on flow is overcome by time-scaling. The result of this transformation is a discrete linear model with a Finite Impulse Response (FIR) transfer function. This means that the optimal predictive controller is given by a feedforward block. Simulation results on a detailed plant physical model are presented in order to illustrate the method.