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Set Membership Parameter Identification with Complex Intervals using Polar Forms

Authors:Ramdani Nacim, Université Paris XII Val de Marne, France
Raissi Tarek, Université Paris XII Val de Marne, France
Candau Yves, Université Paris XII Val de Marne, France
Boudenne Abderrahim, Université Paris XII Val de Marne, France
Ibos Laurent, Université Paris XII Val de Marne, France
Topic:1.1 Modelling, Identification & Signal Processing
Session:Set-Membership Techniques for Identification
Keywords: Intervals, complex variables, polar form, set membership identification, bounded noise, parameter identification, nonlinear models


This paper is dedicated to bounded error identification with complex valued non-linear models. Complex intervals are characterized by using polar forms and a new inclusion function is given for the addition of sectors. The latter is expressed as an optimization problem solved analytically. The new complex interval arithmetic is used with actual data and a complex valued non-linear model for the bounded error identification of the thermal properties of materials