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Time-varying dynamic controllers for discrete-time linear systems with input saturation

Authors:Gomes da Silva Jr. Joao Manoel, UFRGS, Brazil
Lescher Fabien, EIGSI, France
Topic:2.2 Linear Control Systems
Session:Control of Linear Systems II
Keywords: dynamic output feedback, saturation, stabilization, stability domains, discrete-time systems


The present paper proposes a method for computing time-varying dynamic output feedback controllers for discrete-time linear systems subject to input saturation. The method is based on a locally valid polytopic representation of the saturation term. From this representation, it is shown that, at each sampling time, the matrices of the stabilizing time-varying controller can be computed from the current system output and from constant matrices obtained as a solution of some linear matrix inequalities. Optimization schemes allowing to address issues regarding the maximization of the basin attraction as well as the performance improvement of the closed-loop system, are proposed.