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Relationships between Affine Feedback Policies for Robust Control with Constraints

Authors:Goulart Paul, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Kerrigan Eric, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Topic:2.5 Robust Control
Session:Set-Invariance Techniques
Keywords: Robust Control, Constraint Satisfaction, Predictive Control, Optimal Control


This paper is concerned with the analysis of a recently-proposed robust control policy for linear discrete-time systems subject to bounded state disturbances with mixed constraints on the states and inputs, which parameterizes the input as an affine function of the past disturbance sequence. The paper shows that this disturbance feedback policy is equivalent to the class of affine state feedback policies with memory of prior states, and thus subsumes the well-known classes of open-loop and pre-stabilising control policies. Furthermore, the parameterization transforms the non-convex problem of finding an admissible state feedback policy to an equivalent and tractable convex problem.