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Robotic Manipulation of a Hyper-flexible Body

Authors:Mochiyama Hiromi, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
Fujimoto Hideo, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
Topic:4.3 Robotics
Session:Flexible Robots
Keywords: Robotics, Robot kinematics, Robot dynamics, Robot control, Flexible arms, Distributed parameter systems, Nonlinear systems, Mechanical systems


A hyper-flexible body is a continuum mechanical object with infinitely many kinematic degrees of freedom which can not be appropriately modeled as elastic bodies nor fluid. In this paper, manipulation of a hyper-flexible body is considered. Although we have only a few control input for the infinite-dimensional system of a hyper-flexible body, we provide an illustrative control example where we can achieve damping injection to a planar cable-like hyper-flexible body by only translational acceleration input at its one end. The control law is derived by the passivity approach based on the port-controlled Hamiltonian system representation.