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Design of Decentralised Control Schemes: An Algebraic Approach

Authors:Karcanias Nicos, City University, United Kingdom
Leventides John, University Athens, Greece
Topic:2.1 Control Design
Session:Control of Systems with Constraints
Keywords: Linear Systems, Control Design, Control Theory, Decentralised Control, Measurements.


This paper considers an algebraic approach for selection of the control structure aiming at facilitating the design of decentralised control schemes. This requires the selection of inputs, outputs, as well as their coupling (selection of decentralisation structure) that will allow the generic solvability of a variety of decentralised control problems, such as pole assignment by decentralised output feedback, decentralised dynamic controllers etc. The overall approach is based on the use of necessary and sufficient conditions for generic and exact solvability of decentralised control problems, which are expressed in terms of properties of Plücker invariants and Markov type matrices. The approach involves a classification of desirable input and output partitions of inputs and outputs and a parametric design of structural invariants.