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H-infinity guaranteed cost computation via polynomially parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions

Authors:Peres Pedro L. D., University of Campinas, Brazil
Oliveira Ricardo C. L. F., University of Campinas, Brazil
Topic:2.5 Robust Control
Session:Robustness Analysis II
Keywords: Robust stability, guaranteed cost, H-infinity norm, linear matrix inequality, homogeneous polynomiallyparameter-dependent Lyapunov functions, uncertain linear systems, polytopic domains.


Linear matrix inequality conditions for H-infinity guaranteed cost evaluation of uncertain linear systems in polytopic domains are presented in this paper. The conditions are based on homogeneous polynomially parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions of arbitrary degree. As the degree grows, tests of increasing precision are obtained providing more accurate H-infinity guaranteed costs. Both continuous and discrete-time uncertain systems are addressed, as illustrated by numerical examples.