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Motion planning and feedforward control for distributed parameter systems under input constraints

Authors:Meurer Thomas, Universität Stuttgart, Germany
Graichen Knut, Universität Stuttgart, Germany
Zeitz Michael, Universität Stuttgart, Germany
Topic:2.1 Control Design
Session:Control of Systems with Constraints
Keywords: infinite dimensional system, finite dimensional system, flatness, nonlinear system inversion, boundary value problem, input constraints


The flatness-based feedforward tracking control design based on formal power series is extended to distributed parametersystems (DPS) with input constraints. Thereby, formal power series and suitable summation methods are utilized to derive a finite-dimensional approximation in generalized controller form coordinates. This representation serves as the basis for a novel feedforward control design approach, which treats the considered finite-time transition between equilibrium profiles as a two-point boundary value problem (BVP) with input constraints. Simulation results for a linear heat conduction system and anonlinear diffusion-convection-reaction system (DCRS) illustrate the applicability of the approach.