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An anti-windup strategy for a flexible cantilever beam

Authors:Tarbouriech Sophie, LAAS-CNRS, France
Prieur Christophe, LAAS-CNRS, France
da Silva Jr. Joao Manoel Gomes, UFRGS, Brazil
Topic:2.1 Control Design
Session:New Tools for Control of Smart Structures
Keywords: Anti-windup scheme, nested saturations, stability regions, observer


This paper addresses the problem of stability analysis for a flexiblecantilever beam which is subject to amplitude limitations in actuatorand sensor.The design of anti-windup schemes is considered in order to enlarge theregion of stability of the closed-loop system. Based onthe modelling of the saturated systemas a linear system withdead-zone nested nonlinearities,constructive stability conditions are formulated in terms oflinear matrix inequalities. Some discussions about possible extensions basedon the use of observer loops are provided.