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An Iterative Method for Multi-objective Dynamic Output Feedback Synthesis

Authors:Salhi Salah, Laboratoire d’Analyse et commandes des systèmes, LACS-ENIT, Tunisia
Arzelier Denis, Laboratoire d'Analyse et Architecture des Systèmes(LAAS) Toulouse-France, France
Topic:2.5 Robust Control
Session:Robust Controller Synthesis with LMI's
Keywords: multi-objective performance, dynamic output-feedback, Lyapunov functions, LMI optimization, iterative algorithm.


We address in this paper the problem of multi-objective dynamic output-feedback synthesis for continuous linear time-invariant systems. The design objective can be a mix of H2 performance, Hinfinity performance and closed-loop pole clustering. A new sufficient condition is proposed. This new condition is based on additional variables which allow the use of different Lyapunov functions for each performance criterion. It is shown that the conservatism of the standard method is perceptibly improved. The efficiency of this approach is then illustrated by some academic example.